Subtle yet rich, aromatic and earthy yet different from regular peanuts as wild strawberries are from bland, commercial ones. They’re also a nutritional revelation containing all 9 essential aminos, methionine, the beautifying oleic acid, all the while loaded with protein, heart-healthy mono-unsaturated oil, vitamin E, and much more. Unlike domestic peanuts, organic wild jungle peanuts are free of aflatoxin and are a sustainable rain forest product.
The peanut, while grown in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world is native to the Western Hemisphere. It probably originated in South America and spread throughout the New World as Spanish explorers discovered the peanut’s versatility. When the Spaniards returned to Europe, peanuts went with them. Later, traders were responsible for spreading peanuts to Asia and Africa. Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are now grown in 108 countries.
Many of the natural regions where wild peanuts grow are being threatened by modern development pressures and the wild strains of peanuts are threatened along with the ancient communities that live in these forests. Foods Alive peanuts are harvested by the Ashuar people of southern Ecuador, an area with incredible richness in biodiversity.
The indigenous group of approximately 4,300 Ashuar people has title to roughly two million acres of primary forest. The Ashuar are one of an increasing number of Amazonian indigenous groups who are organizing against oil exploration activities that threaten their territory. Although the Ashuar have demanded that no oil development occur on their land, ARCO has the exploration rights to two areas in their territory that encompass 2.5 million acres. The Ashuar insist that all communities affected by proposed development must play a part in deciding how traditional land is used. The Ashuar are putting pressure on ARCO and the Ecuadorian government to recognize their right to self-determination.
Jungle peanuts are great for treats in school lunches for your kids, plane trips, road trips, backpacking, camping, or as an after workout snack!
INGREDIENTS: Raw Jungle Peanuts*
*Organic Ingredient
Shelf Life: 2 years
Country of Origin: Ecuador